Earth2Day & Active Player Essence Rewards
"We want to show something else impressive when Essence launches" (dev chat)
Why doesn't Earth 2 have any 3D game play yet?
Shane: This 3D world is more impressive than last year's one - (Dev chat)
Shane Discord chat (6th Apr '22)
Earth 2 Founder Candid Thoughts - Essence, Tier 1 & 2 Land + More
Shane Discord Chat & Summary (29th Mar'22)
Shane: Made sacrifices to stick to player centric ideology
Earth 2 Vlog#2 looks at Earth 2 Building Tech
Shane: Had immense pressure to do ICO (Dev Chat)
Earth 2 Vlog#1: Dev Vlog series goes live; New Leaderboards and more
Shane: Whitepaper in Q2 (Full Dev Chat)
Shane: Building a Metaverse owned by players (Dev Chat)
Shane Discord Chat (2nd Mar'22)
Shane clarifies on community managers' twin exit and other team changes
The Two's have aligned; Draft Imminent!
Shane Discord Chat (10th Feb)
Referral Code, Locked Countries & More
Earth 2 rival announces 2022 manifesto
Shane Discord chat (28th Jan)