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Earth 2 Press Release: Resource Validation Updates

Writer's picture: Earth2 Press ReleaseEarth2 Press Release

(Below is a news release by Reproduced as published by Earth 2)

Earlier this week the CAT (Claims Approval Team) reached a goal of having processed over 50% of the total open Resource Claims created by Earth 2 land owners. Overall, the Earth 2 Player Resource Validation system (E2PRV) has been rewarding for those Players who have remained dedicated toward taking advantage of this very unique opportunity.

In this article we will be sharing :

  • a general update on E2PRV

  • some key statistics so far

  • reminder on limestone, Essence reward reduction and more

  • a timeframe on when retroactive Essence rewards will be processed for Players who missed staking their own claim; and

  • we will also take a first hand look at how much dedication and effort the CAT puts into reviewing and processing resource claims.


Many Players have already improved future access to Resources on their properties, and increased their Essence balance, by receiving approvals for successful claims or staking Essence on approved claims for free! It has been inspiring for the team to see our community and sub-communities come together to collaborate, submit, and stake their Essence.

We know that many in the community have been curious about the ongoing stats for E2PRV, so we’ve listed out a few below! Since the E2PRV system was launched:

Over 620,000 unique stakes have been made – that’s around 10,000 stakes per day on average!

Over 14,000 Claims have been reviewed and processed by the CAT and our Claim Approvals System

A total of over 32,000,000 Essence has been utilised by Players for the purpose of staking

From which over 18,000,000 Essence is still actively staked pending approval or rejection

To date, more than 20,000,000 Essence has been earned by Players who successfully staked on claims which have been approved

There is a total of 126,000,000 Essence in circulation on the Earth 2 Platform today (this does NOT include Essence actively staked)


On the 31st of August, 2022, we announced that the limestone resource would no longer be claimable and that the Essence bonus rate would be lowered from 100% to 50%. Again, we would like to reassure all participants that any claims submitted prior to the time our servers updated will receive the 100% bonus rate. All subsequent submissions will be processed based on the 50% bonus reward rate.

There will eventually come a time where we will cease the ability to submit new claims to give us time to clear the backlog and move forward with future steps. At that point, all claims currently marked by the CAT (Claims Approval Team) as invalid will be officially rejected.

We are leaving all invalid claims to be processed at the end in case any such claims happen to fall into approved resource areas while remaining claims are processed after the first cut-off date is activated. We earmarked a generous 3 month period for Players to be given a more than fair chance to claim resources they believed they were entitled to access on their land.

The CAT is updating all claims to “Under Investigation” as they move through the review process and this includes claims that are tagged to be rejected. We remind all Players that once a claim status is updated to “Under Investigation” by the CAT, it can no longer be removed or cancelled by the owner and the assurance fee plus any staked Essence on that claim will be locked until it is either approved or rejected.

As the E2PRV system was designed to benefit and reward Players who submit legitimate claims and stake to support legitimate claims, we want to be rejecting as few claims as possible. Our team has been impressed with the high level of detail, research and structure that has gone into the clear majority of most claims, so we look forward to rejecting as few claims as possible.

After the first claims cut-off date we may reopen the validation system for the submission of new resource claims. The validation system may be expanded to include other aspects of Earth 2 that will be relevant to various future Earth 2 plans.


During our E2PRV server update around the 31st of August, Players were provided the option to stake Essence on claims they created before the claim was published.

We understand that due to the popularity and highly competitive nature of the staking feature, some Players missed out on the chance to stake Essence on their own claim before this update was implemented.

At Earth 2, we strive to act with fairness, so after we reviewed how the previous process worked and took on board community feedback, we decided there will be a retroactive reward for all Players who created valid claims before the ability to stake Essence on their pre-published claims became available.

There are some important requirements that need to be met to receive this retroactive reward :

  • the Player must not have successfully staked Essence on that claim

  • the claim must have been approved

  • the amount will be the maximum amount of Essence a Player would have been able to stake on that claim based on the size of the Property the claim was created for

  • the Player must have had that maximum amount of Essence available in their Essence balance at the time the claim was created

These Retroactive Rewards will be processed between the 19th to the 23rd of September and will appear under “Retroactive Personal Claim Reward” on the Essence transaction page. Our calculations predict a little over 280,000 Essence will be Retroactively Rewarded as a result of this initiative.


Have you ever wondered what process your claim undergoes from the time it is submitted by you, to the time it is approved by us? Each E2PRV claim is reviewed by our Claims Approval Team (the CAT for short) and the validity is rigorously checked by at least 2 team members before being officially approved or rejected. Due to the steep competition to stake Essence to the best claims, many interesting claims go unseen by the public.

Below, we have compiled just a very few of the interesting claims our team wanted to share with you. Each approved claim is categorised into various groups depending on numerous details provided in the claim and based on our internal category system:

(Please note that we are sharing these out of interest and Earth 2 reserves the right to approve or reject all claims which may be based on more details than what is provided below)

Legitimate, approved:

Claim #5693 – Mt Everest – World’s Tallest Mountain

Username: PLANTER (a3d929a1-6de1-4f5a-a46a-ca9ebc18b0df)

Location: Mt Everest

Resource: Limestone

Reasoning: The summit of Mount Everest was actually the seafloor 470 million years ago.The rock that comprises the “summit pyramid” or uppermost part of Mount Everest is gray limestone that was deposited on the northern continental shelf of northern India during the early to middle Ordovician Period of the Paleozoic Era, long before India began its northward journey towards Eurasia and the eventual collision of tectonic plates that uplifted the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau. Called the “Qomolangma Limestone” by geologists, the summit rocks are well-bedded limestone.

Internal Category: 1b

Notes: Cross Referenced with internal Earth 2 Map, Resource map + External Mapping system

Verdict: Provided sufficient evidence


Claim #5421 – Muruntau Mine – World’s Largest Gold Mine

Username: 𝓒𝓐𝓡𝓛 (e94eb09d-2b5b-442a-9c11-854a2e6b9c06)

Location: Uzbekistan

Resource: Gold

Reasoning: Muruntau gold mine located in the Kyzyl Kum Desert of Uzbekistan is one of the world’s biggest open-pit gold mines. It has been in operation for more than 50 years. Discovered in 1958, the surface mining operations at the giant open-pit gold deposit started in 1967. The mine is 100% owned and operated by Uzbekistan’s state-owned Navoi Mining & Metallurgy Combinat (NMMC).

Internal Category:

Notes: Cross Referenced with internal Earth 2 Map, Resource map + External Mapping system

Verdict: Provided sufficient evidence


Claim #7361 – Cacique Guatavita Lagoon – The legend of El Dorado

Username: FROMCOLOMBIA (bc143288-b4f5-439e-90a1-beb6ae1672e1)

Location: Columbia

Resource: Gold

Reasoning: The lagoon was one of the most sacred for the Muiscas , since the investiture ritual of the new Zipa was performed there ; according to legend, he was on a richly decorated reed raft; he had the entire body covered with gold dust; At his feet they placed a large amount of gold and emeralds to offer to the gods. The new dignitary was accompanied by four caciques and when the raft reached the center of the lagoon, the people who were on the shores threw gold objects and precious stones into the water. This is one of the origins of the legend of El Dorado . The famous Muisca Raft that is exhibited in the Gold Museum of the Bank of the Republic of Colombia is evidence that this type of rituals were celebrated in the lakes of the region.

Internal Category: 2


Verdict: Provided sufficient evidence


Claim # 6329 – Aruba – Useless Islands

Username: hisheaven (2294832c-294b-4b98-be11-952ecf259277)

Location: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Resource: Gold

Reasoning: A common misconception is that the name Aruba came from the Spanish Oro hubo which means “There was gold”. However the Spanish found no gold on Aruba during the time of their occupation, nicknaming Aruba “Islas Inútiles”, meaning “Useless islands” due to the lack of gold. It was not until much later in 1824 that gold was found on Aruba by Willem Rasmijn, starting the Aruban Gold Rush. In 1824 gold was discovered in Bushiribana, giving place to the extraction of about three million pounds of gold in 1913.

Internal Category: 2

Notes: Cross Referenced with internal Earth 2 Map, Resource map + External Mapping system

Verdict: Provided sufficient evidence


Claim #9368 – Santa Domingo Mine – Tri Mineral Mine (Gold/Iron/Limestone)

Username: PurpleGro (175e341c-b0f5-4a35-b27f-4c6ba1504085)

Location: Chile

Resource: Gold/Iron/Limestone

Reasoning: Santa Domingo Mine is an historic mine which leads back to Roman times. This mine produced mainly Copper, Iron and Gold, however it has been proven that limestone can also be found through multiple links provided. About 25 megatons of ore had been extracted when the mine was closed in 1966 due to the Portuguese government threatening to bring in legislation making companies, especially mining companies, financially responsible for cleaning up their mistakes. This added another level of devastation in the region, as there was now an excess of people out of work due to the mine closure.

Internal Category: 1a

Notes: Cross Referenced with internal Earth 2 Map, Resource map + External Mapping system

Verdict: Provided sufficient evidence


Mythological, Under Investigation

Claim #302 – Lost City of Paititi – “the lost world”

Username: HandspringGuy (312c6f72-068c-4049-89a6-5922721a7d30)

Location: Peru

Resource: Gold

Reasoning: In the document, which dates from 1600, Lopez describes in great detail, a large city rich in gold, silver and jewels, located in the middle of the tropical jungle called Paititi by the natives. Lopez informed the Pope about his discovery and the Vatican has kept Paititi’s location secret for decades.

Inca traditions mention a city, deep in the jungle and east of the Andes area of Cusco which could be the last Incan refuge following the Spanish Conquest. The Spanish conquistadors pillaged Cusco for its gold and silver

Internal Category: 3




Claim # 4848 – Cal Orck’o – Jurassic Park Limestone

Username: e2travelagency (cb6ce533-58fa-4962-8d82-ad31902ae6f5)

Location: Bolivia

Resource: Limestone

Reasoning: Cal Orck’o is a fossil bed in Bolivia. It is located in a limestone quarry approximately 4.4 km northwest of Sucre.The bed is composed of oolitic fossiliferous limestone, associated with large, freshwater stromatolites and nine levels of dinosaur tracks (trace fossils). The high-resolution mapping of the site from 1998 to 2015 revealed a total of 12,092 individual dinosaur tracks in 465 trackways. Nine different morphotypes of dinosaur tracks have been documented. Amongst them are several trackways of theropods, ornithopods, ankylosaurs and sauropods, with the latter group accounting for 26% of the trackways.

Internal Category: 4





Q1. In which country were flying foxes found to have been exposed to Cadmium, causing bone lesions and renal dysfunction?

Q2. Which Island off the coast of Western Australia was visited by over 40 vessels in the 19th century to render oil from the Elephant seals they killed?

We thank you for your ongoing support of the Earth 2 project and congratulate Players who are taking advantage of this unique opportunity made possible via the Earth 2 Player Resource Validation initiative.


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