The metaverse will be a global, always-on, eco-system. It will break boundaries, unit societies and cultures across the world. So how do we answer the question of what the true time is, in the metaverse

Amongst many emerging Metaverse platforms and chat channels, there is a familiar set of questions that seem to be plaguing the fluidity, of the newfound cultural mixing pot, of “the Metaverse”:
“X project/update releases at XX:XX”….”What time zone are you in?” (Recalculates time zones before responding).
“We will have X update ready by the Xth of X” ….. “Which countries are you referring to for this date?”
My standard response: “What time is it in the metaverse?”

The Metaverse Eco-system will eventually be woven throughout the fabrics of modern society, working on a global scale, billions of transactions, Millions of individuals and hundreds if not thousands of industries, working within the system,
across all time zones. This warrants the concept of “Global Standardisations” or “Metaverse Standardisation”, which may permeate through to the physical realm, once developed in the digital.
With an emphasis on decentralisation being determined as an Incremental pillar to what we are defining as the metaverse, which we see operating 24 hours a day, globally, when we compare this with similar operating times, such as the crypto markets.
We must now start looking at restructuring and standardising our interactions for a global community, to allow for fluidity throughout the metaverse, its cultures and time zones. This is why I am proposing we start innovating and create new systems and channels to communicate. We must adapt and innovate together, on a global scale, to create an efficient and culturally fluid path in the search for “The Metaverse”. The first proposal I make is “A Standardisation of Time”, this concept can be looked at as either a lubricant to global communications, as a unified time or a pin point for Metaversal time referencing, So that no matter where you are on the globe, the time reference in the metaverse is the same for everyone. Due to the metaverse having no intrinsic day or night cycles, we are not limited to the physical elements such as geolocation, which the current diurnal cycle depends upon in its current state.
A Basic structure may look something like:
Each Global / Meta Day could work on a 48-hour cycle, which would Begin from the location the first minute that the day starts at on the planet, till the last minute of that day at the final location it ends on.
With this, the metaverse would have half the days in each month, opposed to what we use in our, current divided system. This would also allow for the seasonal and 12-month calendar, to align with this system.
The New year would technically be celebrated through the entire day 48 hours cycle of the first day, but Meta New Year would officially start on the 24th hour of the first day (00:00 Universal Time Coordinate.)
Although this would be a beneficial standardisation of the metaverse, this may not always be beneficial in regards to human healthy and natural Circadian rhythms, but would allow for a more global and fluid system moving forward into the future, an alternative could be to standardise UTC in the Metaverse, as it has already been acclaimed “universal”.
There are many different arguments for many different Global/Metaverse Standardisations, this is just one of many concepts for an open standardised approach to the metaverse, that can be developed and built upon by those who have an interest in shaping OUR digital future.
Please post any alternative ideas in the comments below!
We are early. We are young, Metaverse Explorers. Keep safe, Keep exploring! Hinksy
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One problem is that timezones are a pain. So syncing to a 24 hour clock will inherit all of the issues arising from the fact that for one person's 4pm, on the other side of the planet it's 4am for somebody else. The metaverse would be locked into that cycle. But an 8 or 12 hour rotation would allow day/night cycles which come and go more rapidly, and give more variety for all corners of the planet. A 48 hour cycle is too long in my mind. That means very long days and nights.
Whilst I appreciate the idea of a 48hr clock, this would be impossible to link up with Earth 1. Maybe a better idea is to have MCT (Metaverse Cyber Time) which is simply UTC but synced virtually on people's screens globally. For example, a label saying Earth1 local time, and another saying Metaverse time.